When my husband and I were newly married and visiting his parents, I noticed that my mother-in-law would pour a cup of coffee, take a few sips, set it down, lose track of it, come back to it later when it was cold and then re-heat it in the microwave. This strange ritual would repeat about half a dozen times throughout the course of the day. We were amused and perplexed by this pattern and coined the term "Cup of Judy".
Then I became a Mom.
It was only then that I realized it is inevitable that within moments of pouring your much anticipated and very much needed cup of coffee, you are summoned to mediate a disagreement, find a toy, change a channel, clean up a mess, kiss a boo-boo, put someone in time out. And when you return...cold coffee...re-heat.
The "Cup of Judy" has become a symbol of this phase of my life - not only do I reheat my coffee with regularity, conversations about current events have transformed into conversations about size, frequency and appearance of poop. "Sleeping in" is now bartering for 8am on Saturday. "Spontaneous road trips" are now driving country roads at 5am trying to get little ones back to sleep.
I decided to start this blog to journal activities, recipes and crafts that fit with this Cup of Judy phase I am in because I know there are many of you out there in the same boat!!!! I love Pinterest, but I don't have a ton of time nor the craftiness to create a kitchen island out of driftwood and old windows! On this blog you will find Cup of Judy approved items that ANYONE can do.
So pour yourself a hot cup of coffee (or go re-heat your Cup of Judy that you've been trying to finish for 3 hours) and then go hide in the bathroom for 5 minutes before your kids find you and browse through this blog for easy, fun and quick ideas you can do in between coffee reheats!
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