Monday, November 12, 2012

The Turkey Virgin Diary: Chapter One

I love hosting – parties, holidays, last minute happy hours….you name it, I’ll host it! I love my house filled with the sound of people – laughing, chatting, catching up, singing...  So you would think I would be down right giddy to host Thanksgiving. I am totally freaking out. Wait a minute, rewind! Didn’t I just gloat over how much I love to host??  Yes…BUT….I have never cooked a turkey. Think about the pressure – the turkey is the piece de resistance for this holiday. Stories of turkey dinners gone wrong are retold for generations to come and it is all I can envision (think Clark Griswold!).
I started researching the basics of cooking a turkey and thought - why not write it up for other first timers to save you time?? At the very least, I will have it here to refer back to next time and not have to search all this stuff all over again!!. it goes!!! 

Size DOES matter!

It is recommended that you get 1lb per person or 1.5lb per person if you want left overs (ummm, “if you want leftovers”?! Aren’t the leftovers the second best part of Thanksgiving?!). We are having 7 adults and 6 kids – based on my research, I need a turkey that is 13lb min to 19.5lb max.  Either I am a cynic or a glutton for punishment - I got a 23.3 lb bird – I’m not chancing it!!!


How much for that turkey in the window?

A good price on a turkey ranges from $.49-$.69 per pound (not bad!!).  I found a deal at Wegman’s that when you spend $25 (I'm pretty sure you automatically spend $25 at Wegman’s just by walking through the door!)  you got $.49/lb turkey - my 23 lb turkey cost less than $12 (I'll take the savings and put it towards the much needed wine that will get me through this)! Score one for the Turkey Virgin!


The Big Chill

Currently, my larger than recommended turkey is safely in my freezer waiting patiently for it’s big day…but I started panicking  about another turkey day nightmare – you get up before the sun to prep the turkey and get it in the oven only to find that the turkey is still frozen!!!  So, how long and what are the proper ways to de-thaw a turkey???  Answer: 24 hours for every 4lbs in a fridge at 40 degrees – so I will need to relocate Tom Turkey about 6 days before Thanksgiving (Siri – remind me to move Tom on November 15th at 8pm - check).  You can also do a cold water bath 30 minutes per pound (always good to have the emergency plan B...Plan C is take out Chinese!).


What the heck is Brining?! Seriously?!

Reason # 8732 that I should NOT read anything from Martha Stewart - I found out about brining a turkey - essentially bathing the turkey 24 hours in advance in a bath of kosher salt, herbs, etc. Let me tell you what I will be doing 24 hours in advance - I will be cleaning my house like a mad woman so that his family thinks we live in a home that is free of dust, smudge marks on walls, clutter and always smells of freshly baked ginger snaps. For my own sanity, I am going to SKIP this!


You had me at "Clean up is a snap"

Definitely NOT brining, but I read that it was not recommended to baste the turkey - UGH!! Then, I found Turkey Bags - I love you Reynold's! They keep all the moisture in so you don't need to baste AND it leaves a clean roasting pan - ummm, yes please!

The rest of the plan

  • Invest in a meat thermometer and don't rely on the pop up one that comes with the turkey.
  • Oven set at 400 and 20-24 lb bird cooks for 5.5 to 6 hours 
  • Cook turkey to 170 internal temp. 
  • Let turkey rest 20 minutes before carving.
  • Cook stuffing seperately or risk a salmonella outbreak - let's face it - I really don't need anything else to stress over!
Next chapter in my Turkey Virgin Diary will include a plan for my side dishes, table decorations, wine recommendations and put together a "Gratitude" playlist for my iPod. Those are items that I am actually excited about!!

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