Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Non-Lame Playdate: Upcycling Crafts

 I actually did these projects for a Brownie Meeting with an Earth Day theme, but I thought they would also work well for a fun play date.

I love the idea of "Upcycling" - someone's trash can indeed be someone else's treasure!

I found all of these ideas on Pinterest and they turned out to be pretty easy for a group of 8 year olds!!

Project 1: Tin Can Flower Pot/Pencil Holder/Vase

Tin cans (I had all different sizes to choose from)
Glue or Spray Adhesive (I used the spray adhesive in the interest of time although an aerosol can did not really fit my Earth Day theme!!)
  • I precut the burlap ahead of time and placed in the tin cans because I had a group of 10 girls and I wanted to make sure I had enough! It also made the process a little smoother to have this part done. 
  • Spray the burlap with adhesive. 
  • Line up the bottom of the burlap with the base of the tin can and wrap the burlap around the can. 
  • Measure a piece of ribbon so it fits around the can. I bought a few ribbons for the girls to choose from so they had some unique looks. I also told them they could place the ribbon where they felt it looked best - secure the ribbon with glue or spray adhesive. 
  • Lastly, measure and tie a piece of twine around the ribbon.

You could also collect or have them bring upcycled items to design their new can like buttons, artificial flowers, lace, etc. It is always fun to let them really design their own unique look!!! 

Project 2: Pop Top Bracelet 

Pop Tabs (about 12 for each)
Ribbon - One 12 inch piece per bracelet

  • Since I did this as a group activity, I found it easiest to make this as a "Ready to Craft" kit. Along with the pop tabs and pre-cut ribbon, I put the instructions into each baggie so that they could do this project again on their own and there are more complicated ways to make these too. 
  • Weave the ribbon through the first pop tab and tie a knot, leaving enough ribbon to tie at the end.
  • For the rest of the bracelet, we did the simplest bracelet design which is just weaving the ribbon through the pop tab holes - make sure the pop tabs are going in the same direction.
  • For the last pop tab, I had the girls tie the end of the ribbon with the remaining ribbon from their first knot. You could also get a simple toggle in the jewelry department.

Project 3: Word search!

If you are doing this for a Girl Scout Troop or school group, I also found this lesson planwhich had some great activities. I printed out the word search and gave it to the girls that finished first so they were occupied while the others finished up. (Any teachers or troop leaders know why this is a very important back up plan!!!).

Department of Energy K-5 Lesson Plans


Snack: Edible Bird's Nest  

I thought this was a cute Earth Day themed snack!! I had seen it around Easter time.

5 cups Rice Krispies
40 large marshmallows
1/4 cup Margarine
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Yogurt Covered Cranberries (3 per nest)

  • Spray muffin tins with Pam, set aside
  • Melt the butter in a large pot
  • Add marshmallows and stir until mixed
  • Remove from heat and add the Rice Krispies and chocolate chips, stir until mixed
  • Fill muffin tins with mix
  • Use a spoon or melon baller to shape each one into a "nest"
  • Let cool 
  • Once cool, remove "nests" from muffin tin and place on a platter. 
  • Add yogurt covered cranberries to each nest



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