Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: 23 Days of Jingle "fun"!

Starting last year, I saw posts from friends on Facebook where they hiding some kind of Elf toy from their children and I have to admit that I just didn't "get it". Then it started again this year (and it is ALL over Pinterest!). So, I gave in to the peer pressure and looked into it...on December 1st, we adopted our own Elf on the Shelf - Jingle Charity (because I needed one more thing to add to my holiday to-do list!!!)

Instead of posting this on Facebook, I thought I would keep this blog updated with Jingle's adventure in our rookie year of Elf on the Shelf:

December 1st: Round Table

Jingle's first order of business was to meet with each of the kids favorite stuffed animal over tea to get the "low down" on their behavior this past year.

December 2nd: Traffic Jam

I was attempting to remind the kids of the traffic backups we encounter in our morning commute when they dawdle getting ready in the morning! (Note: unfortunately, this has minimal impact on our morning chaos!)

December 3rd: Read! 

Although I did want to remind Natalie that she needs to read each night....I will admit that I was on my way up to bed when I remembered that I needed to move Jingle and I had not one creative cell left in my body at the moment.

December 4th: Eat Your Dinner!

The kids had been not so great with table manners and finishing their veggies. Although I thought this one was good...it was not such a great hit with the kids (not too fun, apparently plus Jingle tipped over and appeared to be in a food induced coma when they found her!).

December 5th: Study Hard!! 

Just a little reminder to Natalie to stay focused in school and study her spelling words!

December 6th: Jingle Fairy

Natalie lost ANOTHER tooth at school unexpectedly so I had Jingle take on some Tooth Fairy duties (Note: I don't usually give $5 for a lost tooth, but we didn't see this one coming and of course, that is the smallest bill I had in my wallet - thank goodness Jingle Fairy is on temporary assignment!).

December 7th: All Aboard!

I finally got the stockings up and so I had Jingle help me celebrate my Holiday decor productivity...also, it was a Friday night that I got home late after a stressful week and had to get up early the next day...it was not my most creative, but it was the best I could muster!

December 8th: Happy Hanukkah! 

The kids had been learning about Hanukkah at school and also came home with their own Dreidels...so this is Jingle saying Shalom!

December 9th: Jingle is Getting the Band Back Together!

My kids (especially Drew) LOVE music and playing instruments, giving shows, singing, etc. I was trying to make up for some of my less than stellar Jingle adventures and decided that creating a full band might just do the trick.

December 10th: Getting into the Swing of Things! 

I fully admit that this night I fell asleep on the couch....no "Creative Mother of the Year" awards will be granted for this one. But at least I remembered to move her!!!

December 11th: The Great Outdoors

Natalie started Brownies this year so I thought that Jingle could do a little camp out in the wild with her forest friends. (OK...I was also REALLY trying to make up for the previous night's sub-par showing!)

December 12th: And the Joker Got Away!

Jingle is in trouble!!! Good thing that all these Super Heroes live in our house to save her! Maybe after the rescue they can dust off the top of my fridge...yikes!

December 13th: Waiting for the gifts!

Doug had to fill in for me this night so this is his first attempt at Jingle's adventures....

December 14th: Friday Night Featured Flick!

Jingle enjoyed a nice relaxing evening catching up on some classic Christmas movies...

December 15th: Chef Jingle

We had a holiday party tonight and Doug left for a trip to NH...another "not so great, but it is all I can do" Elf on the Shelf night! I didn't even have the motivation to take the picture until the next morning!

December 16th: Private Eyes....Are Watching You! 

Not easy to get a picture of this one,but I thought the kids needed a little challenge in finding Jingle!!

December 17th: Wrapping the Night Away! 

I've sorted all our gifts into "Santa Gifts" and "Mom and Dad" gifts...but have not wrapped even ONE!!! If only Jingle's magic could wrap all my gifts over night, what a Christmas Miracle that would be!!

December 18th: Holiday Photo Opportunity! 

As an after thought...I should have propped another snowman taking their picture or figured out how to make Jingle take the Snowmen's family portrait...darn that morning after brilliant idea!!!!!! I'll have to file that one for next year!

December 19th: Words with Friends (Old School Style!)

Our kids love playing board games - so I thought Jingle going head to head with our Tree Angel would be fun. It helps having one child that reads so they truly appreciate the time I put into making it a holiday theme!

December 20th: MIA

My husband and I spent the night in the ER with one of our boys, after getting home at 3am....we moved Jingle to the Christmas tree but taking her picture wasn't exactly a priority!!

December 21st: Jingle Fever

My daughter came down with a fever, congestion, cough... (when it rains, it pours in this house!!!). Jingle came down with something similar to help Natalie feel better!! We asked Jingle to take Natalie's sickness back to the North Pole with her so that we could join our family for Christmas - it was our plea for a Christmas Miracle!



December 22nd: Jingle Plum Fairy

Only 3 days left for Jingle Adventures!!!! I think this one is my favorite....I took Natalie to see The Nutcracker last year and she loved it. I knew that she would appreciate seeing Jingle in her favorite holiday ballet! Now if I could figure out how to stage Jingle in White Christmas...hmmmmm.....


December 23rd: Zip Line with Jeremy

We got to the Christmas House that my family rents in the Catskills and there was another Elf on the Shelf named Jeremy!!! Jeremy and Jingle spent their final adventure zip lining on the stocking line!

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