Tuesday, November 13, 2012

When life throws you a curveball....

I had all intentions of making my next post a full run down of my plan to be the organized hostess that I try with all my might to be. Then I came home from work.

Tonight I had a work dinner, so I walked in the door at 8:45pm and I was ready to get to work on my Master Plan for Thanksgiving preparation. I put my bag down, sorted through the mail and then heard this faint sound.


I looked up and saw that water was leaking from our kitchen ceiling. A week and a half before Thanksgiving....this was NOT in my plan!!! I would also like to mention that our hot water heater broke two weeks ago, flooding our basement, office and bathroom. Let's hope that the whole "things happen in 3" theory doesn't apply!

So this led me instead to thoughts on expecting the unexpected. I think we all like things to go as planned, but let's face it...that is not always realistic. I have experienced many an unexpected event:
  • Ultrasound for our second pregnancy revealing Baby A and Baby B (that was a big one!)
  • Children projectile puking on a day that both my husband and I have set work events.
  • Getting ready to go on a romantic trip with my husband and finding that my daughter has lice

It seems that despite our best efforts to plan and control life, the unexpected is lurking behind a corner waiting to throw you a curve ball. But it is still up to us as to how we handle it - right?

Water leaking from my ceiling is not my ideal scenario, but I am not going to let it put a damper on my plans. I don't think that my husband's family will refuse to come because there is a water spot on our ceiling (ok, there might actually be a section of the ceiling cut away...perhaps Pinterest might have some ideas on how to decorate this...I digress...).

Much like the Grinch taking all the presents didn't stop Christmas dinner in Whoville, this water leak will not stop the spirit of Thanksgiving at the Maynes. That said, I am ending this post in the spirit of gratitude:
  • I have a home that is 99% intact (more than what some down state people have this holiday).
  • I am able to put a dinner on the table for family (more than what many people can do).
  • I have a loving husband, healthy children and extended family close enough to visit
Tomorrow I will plan...tonight we will deal (and maybe pour a glass of wine).

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I didn't get to hear that story yet. Have no fear the Thanksgiving planning will all come together in-laws and all. But just in case make sure you stock up on the wine!!
